Wednesday, October 17, 2012

課本沒教的美語 L 21~30


Lesson 21

1. You paraded me around my own neighborhood. 你到處說我壞話/造謠 ( parade 遊行;neighborhood 鄰近社區)
2.Got collateral? 你拿什麼擔保? (collateral 擔保品)
A: How would you like it shipped? 你要如何運送? (ship 運送)
We can overnight it. 我們可以隔日送達 (overnight 整夜;通霄)
B: Ship it overnight. 那就隔日送達

Lesson 22

1. Break a/your leg! 祝你好運 
(原意: 斷 一隻/你的 腿,本來是用於劇場,在上台表演前祝演員好運的一句話,後來變成習慣用語。以前劇場流傳的迷信說法,認為說祝你好運這句話反而會帶來霉運,所以故意講不好的話以帶來好運,至於為何要用斷腿這樣的說法, 淵源眾說紛紜,有很多種說法就是了)
2. I can knock it down to $15 for you.  我可以便宜你15元 (knock down 降低)
3. Let me integrate you into our business. 我來幫你進入工作狀況 (此句用於幫助新進同仁第 一天上班時,引導他了解公司概況。integrate 整合)
4. It's eight for the price of one. 用這個相同價可 (僱請/買......) 八個 (人/事物.........)
5. Everyone's entitled with one mistake. 每個人都會犯錯 (is entitled 享有....權利/資格)

Lesson 23

1. I'm famished! 我餓壞了 (famished 非常飢餓)
2. Save him a trip. 省得他跑一趟 (save 節省; trip 旅遊)
3. Can you forward my call? 可以幫我用電話轉達嗎? (forward 轉交)
4. You don't shed on the furniture! 光說不練 (shed 流出; furniture 傢俱)
5. Put him behind you. 把他忘了吧 (behind ....的後面)

Lesson 24

1. You throw me up. 你把我弄昏頭了 (throw ... up 把......拋起)
2. I drop in and feel the operation every now and then. 我定期親自考察 
(drop in 拜訪; operation 操作; every now and then 有時候)
3. He has a supervisor demand. 他要求和主管談 (supervisor 主管; demand 需求)
4. Don't jerk me up. 別整我 (jerk..... up 愚弄 ....)
5. You get what you pay for. 一分錢一分貨 ( what you pay for 你所付出的)

Lesson 25
1.  Gun presses against him.  槍指著他 (press against 倚著...按壓)
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2.  It acted itself has meaning. 別有它意 (act 表演/行動;meaning意義)
3.  Duty call. 我有要事 (duty 職責;call 召喚)
4.  They two are high school sweet hearts. 他們倆在高中是一對
5.  Laugh it up! 儘管笑吧!

Lesson 26
1. You can’t afford to be this naive. 你不能如此天真啊 (can’t afford to 負擔不起;naive 天真)
2. I don’t want to sit around guarding the Taco Bell. 我不想做看門狗 
(guard 護衛;Taco Bell 美國著名的連鎖墨式速食餐廳)
3. How many times you’ve been AWOL? 你逃過幾次兵?
(AWOL= absence without leave 原意為:未請假就缺席,用於軍隊中「逃兵」之意)
4. You would be court-martialed. 你會受軍事審判 (court-martial 軍事審判)
5. They are clutching at straws. 她們把當救命稻草/ 他們只能把死馬當活馬醫/ 他們只好姑且一試
(clutch at 試圖抓住;straw 稻草

Lesson 27
1. We owe it to ourselves to salvage a little dignity. 我們設法為自己挽回點面子吧
(owe…欠某人salvage 拯救;dignity 尊嚴)
2.  Look, I’m not knocking on you. 聽著,我不是要打擊你 (knock on 貶損)
3.  What’s it to you? 干你何事?
4.  He’s protected from up on high by the Prince of Darkness. 他後台很硬
(is protected 被保護;up on high高層有力人士;Prince of Darkness 黑暗王子,一部電影的名稱)
5.  His story checks out. 他的背景查出來了

Lesson 28
1.      What’s your deal? 說說你的事吧 (deal 交易)
2.      Detail. Attention! (軍隊) 聽令!注意!(detail 細節)
3.      Present arms. (軍隊) 敬禮 (present 呈現)
4.      Order arms. (軍隊) 禮畢 (order 命令)
5.      Keep me posted. 隨時通知我 (post 使...了解)

Lesson 29
1. He has no idea he’s up to against. 他不知道他將面臨什麼 ( up to against 忙於防備)
2. We are calling the election for Roger. 我們預測Roger會當選
(call 判定;election 選舉;call the election for Roger 判定選情是對Roger有利)
3. I got into a few fistfights along the way. 我過去打過不少架
(got into 捲入;fistfight 拳鬥;along the way 一路走來)
4. It’s not whether or not you get knocked down. It’s what you do when you get back up.
(whether or not 是否;knock down 擊倒;get back up 重新站起來)
5. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. 我不是故意要偷聽的 (mean to 有意要eavesdrop 竊聽)

Lesson 30 

1. I was stuck in no man’s land. 我進退兩難 
(stuck: stick 的過去分詞,卡住;no man’s land 無主的荒地)
2. It all got to be too much. 情況一發不可收拾 (too much 過份;過火)
3. A: I crashed a wedding upstairs. 我在樓上婚禮混吃喝 (crash 無票進入;闖入)
B: Why did you do that? 為何這麼做?
A: It was a dare. 我是被刺激才做的 (dare 挑戰;果敢行為)
4. He’s such a tool. 他真是個魁儡 (tool 魁儡)
5. Mooning your friends is no big deal. 惡搞朋友沒什麼大不了的
(moon 俚語,惡搞他人讓人光屁股;big deal 大事)


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