Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Use of Capitals

Lesson 15
The Use of Capitals

1.     the first word of a direct quotation making a complete thought
The question is, “What are you studying for?”

2.     titles of honor, office, and nobility; academic/religious titles (with a proper noun)
President Roosevelt advocated the four freedoms.

3.     names of treaties, laws, important events, historical epochs, literary periods, …etc
Sino-British Treaty, Magna Charta, World War II, Middle Ages, the Renaissance

4. words denoting family relationship when used with a proper noun
He will visit Aunt Susan and Cousin Bob.

5. titles of books, essays, periodicals, and the like
6.     the first word of a line of poetry
7.     proper nouns
8.     names of holidays, week days, and months
9.     portions of a country or divisions of the world
10.     personified nouns
11.     all nouns in salutation of a letter (Dear Sir, My dear Doctor Hume, …..etc)

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