1. night cream 晚霜
This is what my night cream says: 我的晚霜瓶上寫著
Advanced Renewal Night Cream 使肌膚煥然一新的高級晚霜 (renewal 更新;重建)
Vital Repair, Lotus Japonicus, Shea Butter, Jojoba 關鍵修復、白睡蓮、乳木果油、荷荷巴
Make the most of your night. 充分利用你的夜晚
Marine algae, botanicals, and vitamins support your skin’s cell renewal process, helping build collagen and elastin as you sleep.
Wake up to skin that appears younger-looking, smoother, and more luminous.
With jojoba and shea butter for added moisture. 含有荷荷巴及乳木果油增添滋潤
Suggested Use: 使用建議
In the evening, smooth on face and décolleté.
晚上,輕輕塗抹於臉上及頸胸部 (smooth輕輕塗抹/ décolleté 法文, 袒胸露肩的)
After treatment, serum is fully absorbed. 護膚之後乳漿充分被吸收 (serum植物乳漿)
2. anti-wrinkle cream 防皺霜
(anti- 反…; 抗…./ wrinkle 皺紋/ anti-wrinkle抗皺 )
This is what my anti-wrinkle cream says: 我的防皺霜瓶上寫著
Hyper-hydrating skin densifying anti-wrinkle cream 使肌膚高度親水之高濃度防皺霜
(hyper 超過/ hydrate 使成水合物/ densify 增濃度)
Re-plump fine lines and wrinkles from within. 瞬間重複甩掉細紋及皺紋
(re= repeat 重複/ plump突然摔下/ fine line細紋/ within 內部)
With hyaluronic acid 含有玻尿酸
No Parabens 不含對弳基苯甲酸酯(用在化妝品及药品工業中的防腐劑)
Apply morning and evening to face and neck. 早晚擦在臉及頸上 (apply … to…把…擦在)
3. whitening multi-blemish balm cream 美白水潤底霜 (用途: 防曬隔離)
whitening cream 美白乳霜
whiten (v) 美白; 使變白
multi 多方面的
blemish 瑕疵; 汙點
balm 芳香; 香味
balm 芳香; 香味
4. speedy cleansing oil 瞬淨卸妝油
cleansing oil卸妝油
speedy 快速的 (speed 速度)
cleansing 清靜的(cleanse 淨化/ cleanser 清潔劑)
cleansing 清靜的(cleanse 淨化/ cleanser 清潔劑)
5. bright sunscreen 透亮隔離霜
sunscreen 隔離霜; 防曬霜
sunblock, sunblock lotion, suntan lotion, sun cream 都是防曬乳液的意思
Relieve sun damage. 減輕曬傷
Improve skin whiteness. 使肌膚更白皙
6. toner 化妝水
Let’s clarify. 我們來淨化 (clarify 淨化)
Free your skin from environmental pollutants to show the world a brighter, more radiant you.
(free …from 免於/ pollutant 汙染源/ radiant 容光煥發的)
Go beyond the basic to exfoliate, hydrate, and nourish with a patented blend of essential vitamins and extracts of green algae and muscadine grape.
(beyond 更深於; 超出…之外 / exfoliate 剝落/ nourish滋養/ patented專利的/ blend 混合/ extracts 提煉; 萃取液/ muscadine 麝香葡萄; essential 必要的; 基本的)
Suggested Use: 使用建議
Apply with a cotton ball twice daily. 每天以棉花球塗抹兩次
Warning: 警告
Avoid eye area. 避免接觸眼睛周圍待續 ~~下次介紹不同保養品喔!
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