Here is an example of teaching vocabulary in English. On account of the students' privacy, part of it is presented in the film, and the rest of it is shown in writing.
Here is an example of teaching vocabulary in English. On account of the students' privacy, part of it is presented in the film, and the rest of it is shown in writing.
學生: 國中生、國中英語程度、第一次聽全英文講解
Students: Taiwanese, at junior high, elementary English level, and the first time to be lectured in English
Students: Taiwanese, at junior high, elementary English level, and the first time to be lectured in English
Suitable for small class
Suitable for small class
1. 由於學生從未上過全英文講解課程,預計每人的聽力可能有些差異,所以一開始放慢講解速度,之後視學生上課表現,調整講解速度。
Since the students have never been lectured in English, there is somewhat discrepancy in their listening comprehension. Therefore, the lecture was quite slow at first, then the speed was adjusted to fit the students' comprehension depending on their performance.2. 講解特色:因為是初級班,除了放慢講解速度,老師盡量使用簡短的字句做重點說明,以免有人聽不懂,所以使用了比較、舉例、肢體語言…等技巧,幫助學生理解老師的說明。
Due to their English proficiency, simple words and brief sentences are used to explain the lecture lest any one of them wouldn't understand it. Also, the techniques such as comparison, examples, body languages, and facial expression are used to help them understand the lecture more easily.
Due to their English proficiency, simple words and brief sentences are used to explain the lecture lest any one of them wouldn't understand it. Also, the techniques such as comparison, examples, body languages, and facial expression are used to help them understand the lecture more easily.
Vocabulary Lesson: adjectives
目標:讓學生認識生字,並能應用在句子當中Vocabulary Lesson: adjectives
Aim: recognize the new words and know how to apply them to sentences.
Teaching Steps
1. 定義形容詞
Define adjectives.
2. 複習學過的形容詞 (影片)
Review the adjectives they have learned. (film)
Review the adjectives they have learned. (film)
3. 介紹新的形容詞生字 (影片只呈現部分生字為例)
Introduce some new adjectives. (Present just three of them in the film.)
Introduce some new adjectives. (Present just three of them in the film.)
4. 在句中填入適當的形容詞 (影片只呈現部分)
Fill out the proper adjectives in the sentences. (Present just three of them in the film.)
Fill out the proper adjectives in the sentences. (Present just three of them in the film.)
5. 活動:全班起立,老師說一個句子,學生說出最符合該句的形容詞,最快說出正確生字的學生先坐下,到最後,看誰是最後一個站著囉!以增添學習趣味及練習的專注力。
Activity: Have the class stand up. When the teacher says a sentence, they compete to say the adjective (new word) related to the sentence. Whoever speaks it out first gets to sit down first. Finally, let's see who the lastest standing one is. This is to create interesting atmosphere and draw their attention on the practice.
6. 請學生在練習本上造句,造句的同時要牢記所有生字的拼字,而且限時完成。老師走動巡視造句情況,給予指導。 Have the students make sentences with the new words in the workbook within a limited time. Meanwhile, they have to memorize the spelling of the words, and the teacher must walk around to guide each student.
7. 時間一到全班停筆,讓學生互相交換練習本,討論彼此的句子是否有誤,老師巡視討論情況。 When time is up, all the students must stop writing. Have them exchange their workbooks, dicuss about each other's sentences, and see if there are mistakes. During the discussion, the teacher must walk around to check their sentences.
8. 老師將錯誤的造句寫出來,全班檢討。
The teacher writes their wrong sentences on the board to remind them to avoid the same errors.
9. 最後測驗剛教過的生字 Finally, the students take a quiz on the new words.
補充分享: 最近流行字彙
He seems to keep a mistress in China. 他似乎有在大陸包二奶 (mistress: 二奶或小三)
One of my friends is being two - timed by her boyfriend.
我一個朋友最近被她男友劈腿了。(劈腿 two-time)
He is a two-timer. 他是劈腿者
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