Lesson 31
1. 兩個男人正在找一個女偷吃賊,其中一人正好碰上賊,賊一看到他們就快跑,他馬上對另一個追賊同伴說: She’s on the move. 她跑了 (on the move 進行中,四處奔波)
2. The thrill is gone. 玩興不再 (thrill 興奮;使激動的事物)
3. I’ve grown out of that stuff. 我已過了愛那東西的年紀了 (stuff 東西;out of …脫離了….)
4. A Malibu Barbie lives. 真是活生生的大花瓶 (Malibu Barbie 馬利布芭比娃娃,1970年代最暢銷的芭比娃娃;Marlibu 加州的一個城市名)
5. <It gives it a little something extra. 這會為它加分的 (extra 額外的)
Lesson 32
1. They are killed by pest control. 他們因殺蟲劑致死
(pest 害蟲;control 控制、抑制;pest control 抑制害蟲的措施,通常是噴灑殺蟲劑)
2. He’s beside himself. 他發狂了
(beside oneself 極度興奮、發狂、忘形)
(beside oneself 極度興奮、發狂、忘形)
3. Magazines roll off presses. 雜誌滾熱出刊
(roll off….. 滾出、滾離…..;press 印刷機、報刊、新聞界)
4. The album was debuted at number one. 專輯甫一推出,便登榜首
(album專輯;debut 首次露面、登台、或推出)
5. It’s an intimate glimpse into his life. 可窺見到他的私生活
(intimate 親密的、私人的;glimpse瞥見、一瞥)
Lesson 33
1. Don’t take it out on me. 別拿我出氣。
(take it out 拿出來)
2. Dancing does not pay the bill/ put food on the table.
跳舞不能維持生計 (pay the bill 付帳)
3. We go way back. 我們老交情了
(way back 回到很久以前)
4. One bad apple spoils the bunch. 害群之馬;一個老鼠屎壞了一鍋粥
(spoil 使腐壞;bunch 一堆)
5. How do you put the idea in your head? 你是怎麼想出這個點子的?
(idea 點子、主意)
Lesson 34
1. I’m grading on your effort, not the result. 我看重你的努力而非結果
(grade 評分;effort 努力;result 結果)
2. That’s the beauty of high sight. 真有長遠眼光
(sight 視野、見解)
3. He’s resourceful. 他有辦法的
(resourceful 富於機智的、有策略的)
4. I have power over nothing. 我無能為力
5. You cut my class. 你翹我的課 (cut a class 翹課)
Lesson 35
1. The tape ran out. 帶子播放完了
(ran out 用完了)
2. I fix you a plate. 我盛一盤給你
(fix 準備飯菜)
3. That’s meant to be. 那是天意
(meant 意指…..,為mean 的過去式)
4. My mind is still engaging at work. 我的心思仍在工作上
(engage at 忙於)
5. My hands are full. 我沒手可拿了
(full 滿了)
Lesson 36
1. I can’t take sides. 我得保持中立
(take sides 選擇要站的立場)
2. What are you up to? 你在耍什麼把戲?/你在忙什麼?
(up to忙於….)
3. Are we in filming? 我們正被錄影中嗎?
(film 錄影、拍電影)
4. You need to grow up. 少幼稚了
(need to grow up 需要長大)
5. It will be line on the hook. 一定叫座
(line 排列的隊伍;one the hook陷入困境/ 俚語,耽誤、等待;line on the hook 大排長龍、困在隊伍裡)
Lesson 37
1. News travels fast. 新聞散步快速
(travel 傳導、快速前進、旅行)
2. It can’t be taught but just known. 只能意會,不能言傳
(be taught 被教;be known 被知道;can’t ….but….不得不、只能…..)
3. It is I who sent for you. 是我派人去找你的
(sent: send的過去式;send for 派人做某事)
4. Mind your place. 管好自己的處境
(mind 注意、看管)
5. The current is too strong. 水流太湍急了
(current 水流、電流、潮流)
Lesson 38
1. What is it you want? 你到底要什麼?
2. They’re teething. 他們在長牙
(teethe 長牙;theething:teethe 的現在分詞)
3. Are we on the same page? 我們達成共識了嗎?
(on the same page 表面字義為「在同一頁上」,開會時大家都看同一頁簡報,專注同一焦點,溝通上就不會出問題。比喻「意見一致」。)
4. Don’t use that tone of voice with me. 別用那種口氣對我說話 (tone 語氣、語調)
5. Bug out of my po. 滾出我的地盤
(bug【俚】煩擾、激怒;po = position 陣地、位置)
Lesson 39
1. This bus just cut me off. 這公車擋了我的路
(cut off 中斷、切除)
2. I’m just working on a tangent. 我只是拐個彎說話
(work on從事於…;tangent 切線、正切)
3. I don’t put any stock into such speculation. 我對這種猜想不屑一顧
(stock 信任;speculation 推測)
4. They’ll come at around. 他們會到訪的
5. When I am called in, it’s usually a religious angle. 每當我被請來,通常都跟宗教有關
(be called in 被請來做….;religious angle 宗教的角度)
Lesson 40
1. I’m not interested to become a punch line. 我不想成為公眾笑柄
(punch line笑柄、笑梗、妙語)
2. This comes on very untimely juncture. 這是一起不幸意外
(untimely 不適時的;juncture 情況、危機、重要關頭)
3. It lifts a huge weight off my shoulder. 它讓我減輕不少壓力
(lift 舉起;huge weight 巨大重量;off my shoulder 離開我的肩膀)
4. Get out of the town. 少來了
(get out of 滾開….;town 城鎮)
5. Invasion of privacy, more like it. 根本就是侵犯隱私權
(invasion 入侵;privacy隱私;more like it 比較像是這樣)
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