Sunday, August 13, 2017

Dream Interpretation 解夢

最近一直做惡夢     I've been having a nightmare.
所以看了一下解夢資料    So I read some dream interpretation.
I believe lots of couples have had the same dreams as I have.

1. 夢到老公/老婆外遇 Your husband/wife has an affair
--害怕另一半會不忠  It suggests a fear a partner will cheat.
   You have a strong sixth sense of the things around you to provide a warning.
--害怕被拋棄  It indicates your fears of being abandoned.
   You feel unworthy, inadequate or that you don't measure up to the expectation of others.
--缺乏互信  You two lack of trust.
   Normally, the meaning is the opposite, and your husband/wife actually loves you very much.

2. 夢到自己是外遇者 You are the cheater.
--潛意識裡有背叛念頭  It indicates a betrayal from your subconscious mind.
--自我愧疚及背叛感  It suggests feelings of self-guilt and self-betrayal.
   It signifies your desires for control, power and authority.
   It reflects the intensity of your sexual passion.
--妳的需要沒有被滿足  It suggests that your needs are not being satisfied.
   It indicates a feeling of guilt in other areas in your life.
   If your partner is not very affectionate, you might have a dream about cheating to satisfy your inner desire to be loved by someone.

The dream suggests so many possibilities that I have a hard time to find the right one. Such a headache!

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