1. He does have a way with words. 他真會舞文弄墨
2. It’s a bunch of mush. 為賦新詞強說愁 (a bunch of 一串;mush玉米粥或軟糊狀物)
3. Where does he get off calling me a silly girl? 他憑甚麼叫我傻女孩? (在這裡,get off 免於受罰;silly 傻)
4. We were messing with him. 我們給了他顏色瞧瞧 (mess with粗暴對待)
5. We’ll see about that. 再說吧 (see about 考慮)
Lesson 12
1. Point taken. 有道理 (point 論點;要點)
2. It works like a charm. 真好用啊! (charm 魅力)
3. Are you guys in a nut? 你們在一起無味了嗎? (nut 難題;核果)
4. You’ve come a long way. 你進步很多
5. What’s the catch? 你在耍什麼詐? (catch 圈套)
Lesson 13
1. I’ve got too much on my plate. 我有太多事要做 (plate 盤子)
2. I’m doing a work-study program. 我在上建教課 (program課程)
3. Don’t play hard to get. 你別拿俏了 (hard to get 難取得)
4. I have my mental block. 我思緒不通 (mental 心理的;block阻礙)
5. She wants to make public. 她想公開 (public 公開的;公眾的)
1. I’m right on top of her. 我正盯著她
2. We’ve grown apart. 我們漸行漸遠 (apart 分開)
3. I can’t hold you to myself. 我拉不住你 (hold 抓住;佔據;扣留)
4. Citing off. 報告完畢 (cite 引用…為證)
5. I got the filling at the dentist. 我去牙醫那兒補牙 (filling 補牙;dentist 牙醫)
Lesson 15
1. Don't come on too strong. 勿進展太猛
2. I've seen her in action. 我看過她大顯身手 (in action 積極活動中)
3. Enough ragging on me. 別再數落我了 (rag 責罵)
4. My stomach is growling. 我肚子在叫了 (growl 嗥叫; 咆哮)
5. I'm in debt up to ears. 我已債台高築 (in debt 負債)
Lesson 16
1. It’s a must buy. 這一定要買 (must buy 必買之物)
2. Don’t keep me in suspense. 別賣關子了 (suspense 懸疑;in suspense 懸而未決)
3. I feel home. 我感到自在
4. She can’t hold the candle to you. 她比不上你 (can’t hold a candle to…比不上…..)
5. How are you holding up? 你還撐得住嗎? (hold up 支撐)
Lesson 18Lesson 17
1. This place is filled with capacity. 這地方客滿了 (is filled with 充滿;capacity 容量)
2. You kick all the boys’ butt. 妳打敗了所有男生 (kick 踢;butt = buttocks 屁股)
3. There’s always my way. 包在我身上 (我總是有辦法)
4. There’s no further thank for what you’ve done. 不知該如何謝你 (further 進一步)
5. His life is on the line. 他的命箭在弦上 (on the line 處於危險中)1. This house is subscribed to my wife. 這房子登記在我太太名下 (subscribe to 簽字)
2. You kept the cookbook. 你還留一手啊 (cookbook 食譜)
3. I’m not good with people. 我對人不太行 (good with 對...很靈巧;與…相處好)
4. Less than minus! 真快 (近/短) 啊! (minus 負數)
5. God’s with it. 神的旨意啊 Lesson 19
1. You’re giving me gray hair. 你把我嚇壞了 (gray hair 灰髮)
2. It’s my ticket in. 那是我的機會 (ticket in 入門票)
3. Can you put a finger on it? 你能指認出來嗎?(put a finger on…指認)
4. It’s an honor to meet you. 請多多指教 (honor 榮幸;meet you 認識你)
5. You’ve been fighting me every step of the way. 你一直跟我作對 (fight 鬥;every step of the way 每走一步)
1. Stand up to him. 和他較量一下 (stand up to…對抗)
2. You’re forgetting in study. 你學的都還(某人)了
3. He’s lost track of time. 他忘了時間 (lost 迷失;track 軌跡)
4. I’ll put that to all rights. 萬事有我 (put ….to rights 安排、解決)
5. Hardly a mystery. 不難理解 (hardly 幾乎不;mystery 神祕 )
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