This post shares the student's (13 years old) learning progress from a very basic level. He has been able to be lectured in English and think in English. The following table explains his progress after three months.
Learning progress 學習進展 | The first day 第一天 | After 3 months 三個月後 |
Level 程度 | basic 基礎 | elementary 初級 |
Vocabulary 字彙 | some simple words 國一英文上冊少部分單字 | hundreds of words 國一英文上下冊單字、數學名詞 |
Pronunciation 發音 | know nothing 完全不會 | has completed the phonics course and learned KK phonetic symbols 自然發音及KK音標已學完 |
Grammar and sentence structure 文法句構 | know nothing 完全不會 | 1. affirmative and negative sentences with be and verbs (be動詞、動詞句) 2. yes/no questions and interrogative sentences with Wh~ and How (yes/no 問句、Wh~和How開頭的問句) 3. exclamatory sentences 驚嘆句 4. tense: present and present progressive 現在式、現在進行式 |
Listening and speaking 聽說 | can only tell his name and reply simple greetings 僅能回答名字及問候語 | 1. introduce himself and family 介紹自己和家人 2. ask and answer questions with the sentence patterns learned 能問答已學過的句型 3. describe people and things using some adjectives 能使用學過的形容詞形容人事物 |
Reading 閱讀 | read only some simple declarative sentences 少數簡單句 | can read and comprehend texts in the textbook 可閱讀及理解課文 |
Writing 寫 | only simple words 會寫單字 | can translate simple sentences and make sentences with learned words 能翻譯簡單句、用已知字造句 |
Here are the films recording parts of his learning.
1. 複習 be動詞句 Vs 動詞句
Review sentence patterns with linking be and verbs.
2. 練習口說 Practice speaking. 3. 用英語學數學並使用電腦輔助教學: 形狀 Learn math in English and with a computer: shapes
Here are the films recording parts of his learning.
1. 複習 be動詞句 Vs 動詞句
Review sentence patterns with linking be and verbs.
2. 練習口說 Practice speaking. 3. 用英語學數學並使用電腦輔助教學: 形狀 Learn math in English and with a computer: shapes
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